Heritage Consultants is proud to announce that we have started an internship program with the Department of Anthropology at Southern Connecticut State University to provide undergraduates with hand-on experience in cultural resources management. Our first interns, Larissa Fatone and Samantha Tonan, who are students of Professor William Farley, are seen here working in cooperation with our laboratory personnel using a Flote-Tech machine to separate archaeological soils into light fractions and heavy fractions. This allows our staff and the interns to recover macrobotanical, faunal, lithic, and ceramic artifiacts, as well charcoal, from various types of archaeological deposits, including hearths, and storage pits, middens, etc. This is not only important work but it highlights our company's dedication to educating the next generation of historic preservation professionals!
Heritage Partners with SCSU to provide Anthropology Undergraduates with Internships!
Posted on 3/1/2023 Copyright Heritage Consultants, LLC